AT&T lifeline assistance discount program

Seniors scramble for replacement solutions as Lifeline Discount goes away

Lately seniors have been discussing AT&T discontinuing their senior discount. Historically AT&T has giving a home phone or landline to seniors for a price of around $20 a month. AT&T had been taking advantage of a federally subsidized program called Lifeline. Lifeline discounts were launched in 1985 as part of a federal subsidy program. The federal lifeline subsidy program gives eligible customers a subsidy on phone and internet service. AT&T has decided to discontinue the AT&T Lifeline discount as a precursor to withdrawing from landline service all together. As a result, the cost of an AT&T landline is expected to increase to around $50 a month. To many seniors, this increase is more than their limited budget will allow.

teleCalm® offers home phone service

teleCalm® has stepped into this fray offering home service to seniors starting at $45.99 a month. This is actually an improvement over a standard landline or home phone service, since the teleCalm Trust service also stops Robocalls and telemarketers. Using sophisticated algorithms, teleCalm verifies the calls coming in and only lets legitimate calls reach the senior. Though nothing can block 100% of all Robocalls and telemarketers, teleCalm estimates Trust blocks over 90% of these unwanted calls.

For seniors who are about to lose their AT&T discount on home phones, teleCalm® provides an excellent alternative that lets them stay connected without having their phone service cost double. Click to learn more about teleCalm’s service options.

teleCalm immediately stops all telemarketers and scammers from reaching you or your loved one over the phone. Find peace of mind for yourself and your loved one. Know that your senior is protected while still being connected to family and friends. Retain their dignity and independence. Sign up today.
