Here is the top 10 list based on more than 30,000 reports to the BBB as filed by consumers.

  1. Tax Scams (IRS and CRA)
  2. Debt Collections
  3. Sweepstakes/Prizes/Gifts
  4. Online Purchase
  5. Employment
  6. Government Grants
  7. Tech Support
  8. Advance Fee Loan
  9. Fake Check/Money Order
  10. Phishing

Do you think you were a target of a scam?  Report it to the BBB at Of course we always recommend using the teleCalm service to help keep your family safe. Our phone service replaces your loved one’s current home phone service and is monitored and controlled by an app on the caregiver’s phone. You can see who is calling, block numbers from calling in, set approved dial out numbers and set a do not disturb mode to keep people from calling in the middle of the night. To learn more,  visit our How It Works page!
