Recently, teleCalm traveled to Chicago to take part in several different activities focused on aging in America. We participated in the American Society on Aging (ASA) Aging in America Conference, the Boomer Business Summit, and Aging 2.0 Chicago Global Startup Search. Some facts and figures we found interesting, that you might also:

43% of older adults experience social isolation. This can cause depression. Which is the second leading cause of death. Often, depression is treated with medications whose biggest side effect is memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. This will cause a massive increase in the number of people with cognitive challenges as Baby Boomers age. – source: International Council on Active Aging

Baby Boomers are no longer the Sandwich Generation. It is now made up of Generation X and even Millennials. – source: International Council on Active Aging

There are 4 times as many Baby Boomers on YouTube as teenagers. Over 78% of Baby Boomers (age 50-64) visited in January, 2017. They performed over 3.25 billion searches. That’s an average of 65 monthly hits per user. – source: Google

Over 70% of people 50+ own a smartphone, with 9 in 10 (90%) owning some type of mobile device. 70% with devices say they use them to stay in touch with friends and family. – source: Influent50, a division of AARP.

2016 Caregiver Costs report from AARP:
– $6,954 avg. out of pocket expenses for family caregivers in 2016
– $11,923 avg. out of pocket expenses for long distance caregivers in 2016
– family caregivers provide $470 billion in unpaid care
– more than 3 in 4 family caregivers (78%) are incurring out-of-pocket costs as a result of caregiving
– family caregivers are spending, on average, nearly 20% of their income on caregiving activities

According to a 2016 study:
Caregivers are:
– female (74%),
– age 50-70 (58%),
– retired (48%)

Their care receiver is:
– age 80+ (64%),
– 63% has Alzheimer’s or dementia

The care receiver relationship is:
– 41% Parent,
– 31% Spouse,
– 10% Friend/Other Relative,
– 18% Self
